Digital Content Hub, Powered by DDS

Elevate Your E-Commerce Journey

NetPlus Alliance and DDS have joined forces to bring NetPlus members high quality e-commerce product content through a cutting-edge delivery system that streamlines the entire process for distributors and suppliers.

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Data Consistency

Manufacturers benefit by ensuring that their rich, supplementary product data is consistently delivered to distributors, both within and outside NetPlus Alliance, across various industry verticals. This leads to a uniform digital shelf presence, elevating their brand visibility.

Streamlined Experience

Streamlined Experience

Distributors gain access to a vast array of product data with DDS's advanced technologies and proprietary processes ensuring high-quality content. This streamlines their e-commerce processes, allowing for a more efficient and enriched online shopping experience for customers.

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A Uniform Presence

Both manufacturers and distributors benefit from a single-source syndication through DDS. This optimization ensures that product information is consistently and accurately presented across various channels, ensuring up-to-date content to their customers.
Digital Content Hub Logo

Supplier Benefits

Helping manufacturers simplify and enhance the availability of their content to distributors is the first step in accelerating our members' e-commerce development. Through our partnership with DDS, suppliers will benefit from:

  1. Simplified Content Delivery:  Manufacturers can benefit from DDS’ automated and scheduled system, which seamlessly ingests and delivers manufacturer product content to distributors in a user-friendly format.
  2. Higher Quality Content: Suppliers can deliver more types, greater volume, and higher-quality content compared to traditional data sources and providers.
  3. Completeness of Data: DDS expertly handles manufacturers' rich product data, enhancing the e-commerce experience.
  4. Consistency of Data: DDS ensures consistent content delivery to all channel partners, maintaining a uniform digital shelf presence through single-source syndication across multiple industries.
  5. Inclusion in Automated Feeds: Product content is seamlessly integrated into regular, tailored feeds for each distributor's webstore and business systems.

Distributor Benefits

NetPlus Alliance is committed to driving the e-commerce growth of our distributor members. Elevate your digital presence with DDS, ensuring data consistency, and enjoy benefits such as:                                                

  1.  Rich, Complete, and Accurate Product Data: Ensures that distributors have access to high-quality, up-to-date product content. This empowers distributors to provide accurate information to their customers.
  2. Unlimited SKUs: Distributors can list an unlimited number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) on their websites.
  3. Automated Flow of Product Information: The program facilitates a constant, automated flow of product information from manufacturers formatted to fit each distributor's unique webstore and product file.
  4. Regular Content Maintenance: Distributors benefit from regular content maintenance sourced direct from manufacturers.
  5. Simplified Delivery: This program simplifies the process of delivering product content to distributors, reducing internal resource burden.

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